For reasons having to do with your treatment, Dr. Cox makes every effort to keep a highly predictable schedule of appointments for you. Some of us have not always had a lot of predictability in our lives, especially in childhood. Knowing, over time, that you have a therapy hour every Thursday at 3 p.m., say, may provide a welcome sense of stability, safety, and, even, comfort that may have been lacking at an earlier time in your life. Also, the predictability of the treatment hour puts the unconscious in a position to ready itself to present new material, knowing that there will be a place for its expression. (This is why, from a therapeutic standpoint, you are billed for last minute cancellations.)
If you have scheduled an appointment and will not be able to keep it, notify Dr. Cox immediately. If you do not notify Dr. Cox of your need to reschedule an appointment or to cancel an appointment within 24 hours of the scheduled hour, you will be billed for the appointment.
If you are ill, do not keep your appointment. Call as soon as you know you are ill, and a make-up appointment will be arranged.